

  1. Typorama For Desktop
  2. Typorama For Computer
  3. Typora Mermaid
  4. Typora A4
  5. Typorama For Pc
  6. Typora For Mac
  7. Typorama Apk

typora is a great wysiwyg Markdown editor that supports Jekyll’s front matter.

Typora is simple. Download the free Mac beta and you’re confronted with blinking text cursor in a blank window. That’s it – there’s no chunky ribbon, no flashy editing toolbar and no bells or whistles. (Disappointingly, the Windows beta does include a File menu.). In Typora, typing ‘’ followed by your quote contents will generate a quote block. Typora will insert a proper ‘’ or line break for you. Nested block quotes (a block quote inside another block quote) by adding additional levels of ‘’. Typing. list item 1 will create an.

You can add custom themes and styles, so it’s easy to get a real sense of what your blog post will look like, once your own site styles are applied.

Typorama For Desktop

It’s got an absolute raft of features, but comes with a really distraction-free writing interface which I find much more useful than a text editor when writing longer Markdown pieces, or when I want to go from a rough draft to proofing a finished article.


It can do nice things like display images relative to your posts, and does it in a way that’s compatible with both your local filesystem and the eventual URL on your website. For instance, here’s a screenshot of this article, written in typora, showing an earlier version of this article with a screenshot 🤯, but before I’d published it (or even used jekyll’s --drafts option).

The image displays locally in typora, and will also display on my website, just using the markdown ![screengrab of typora showing this blog post](/images/typora-and-jekyll/typora.png) because of the typora-root-url front matter entry. Nice!

The typora-root-url entry has a subfolder path ../, because when you’re viewing the article in typora, the document is saved in your in your _drafts or _posts folder and the images are found underneath ../images.

This means you can drag and drop images into your typora document, which suits my screengrab, write, screengrab, write workflow. You don’t need to pre-save the images or faff around moving them to the correct folder before adding them with markdown. I’ve got my typora image preferences set to save images into the jekyll images folder, and then into a subfolder named after the typora document I’m working on, which means all the images for a specific post are kept nicely together.

Adding that screenshot with drag and drop, looks like this:

Typorama For Computer

You can drag and drop videos, just like the one above in the same way, but you will need to alter the path, but you do get an interface for that in typora - hover over the movie, toggle to html and alter its path.


Opens Markdown files in Typora.


The provided command typora.open opens files that use Markdown language mode (.md, .mdown,.markdown) in Typora editor.

Because of some obscure problem, opening files in Typora via Node's childProcess doesn't work (and consequently any extensions that use npm 'open' package as well). No other extension that I tried worked for me, so I wrote this. This extension uses VSCode terminal to run Typora.


Extension also contributes context menu commands (in editor and explorer as well) and status bar button.


You must have Typora installed and typora.exe in the system's PATH.To add Typora to your PATH, you can check this guide.

Typora Mermaid

Known Issues

Presumably it will work on all platforms, but at the moment I have tested it on Windows only.

Typora has multiple tabs, but currently there's no option in Typora to use single window only when opening files. So each time you launch typora.open command it will open a new Typora window.You can track this issue on GitHub.

Typora A4

Bonus Tip

Typorama For Pc

You can combine this extension with Power-Tools extension to create a handy button on your taskbar, which will be highlighted if the file you are editing can be opened in Typora.

Here is the settings block you need to put in your settings.json (change it to taste):

Typora For Mac


Typorama Apk

alexzshl - for context menu commands and status bar and configuration options.fbarda - for the guide on adding Typora executable to PATH