Flutter Visual Studio Code

Install the Flutter extension (see Editor setup) to get automatic formatting of code in VS Code. To automatically format the code in the current source code window, right-click in the code window and select Format Document. You can add a keyboard shortcut to this VS Code Preferences.

  • Setting up Flutter and Visual Studio Code In Windows. Detailed video with all the proper steps to setup Flutter and to create a proper working environment fo.
  • If you’re debugging Flutter applications, you should also install the Flutter extension. Start an application to debug Start a debug session for your application by opening the root folder of your project (the one containing pubspec.yaml ) in VS Code and clicking Run Start Debugging ( F5 ).
  • R8 is the new code shrinker from Google, and it’s enabled by default when you build a release APK or AAB. To disable R8, pass the -no-shrink flag to flutter build apk or flutter build appbundle. Note: Obfuscation and minification can considerably extend compile time of the Android application. Reviewing the app manifest.

The aim of the Flutter Favorite program is to identifypackages and plugins that you should first consider whenbuilding your app.This is not a guarantee of quality or suitability to yourparticular situation—you should always perform yourown evaluation of packages and plugins for your project.

You can see the complete list ofFlutter Favorite packages on pub.dev.


Flutter Favorite packages have passed high quality standardsusing the following metrics:

  • Permissive license,including (but not limited to)Apache, Artistic, BSD, CC BY, MIT, MS-PL and W3C
  • GitHub version tag matches the current version frompub.dev, so you can see exactly what source is in the package
  • Feature completeness—and not marked as incomplete(for example, with labels like “beta” or “under construction”)
  • General usability when it comes to the overview,docs, sample/example code, and API quality
  • Good runtime behavior in terms of CPU and memory usage
  • High quality dependencies

Flutter Ecosystem Committee

The Flutter Ecosystem Committee (FEC) is comprised of Flutterteam members and Flutter community members spreadacross its ecosystem. One of their jobs is to decide when a packagehas met the quality bar to become a Flutter Favorite.

The current committee members(ordered alphabetically by last name)are as follows:

  • Pooja Bhaumik
  • Hillel Coren
  • Thea Flowers
  • Simon Lightfoot
  • Lara Martín
  • Chris Sells (committee chair)
  • Michael Thomsen
  • Diego Velasquez
  • Kyle Wang
Visual studio code flutter tutorials

If you’d like to nominate a package or plugin as apotential future Flutter Favorite, or would liketo bring any other issues to the attention of the committee,send the committee chair an email.

Flutter Favorite usage guidelines

Flutter Favorite packages are labeled as such on pub.devby the Flutter team.If you own a package that has been designated as a Flutter Favorite,you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Flutter Favorite package authors may place the Flutter Favoritelogo in the package’s GitHub README, on the package’spub.dev Overview tab,and on social media as related to posts about that package.
  • We encourage you to use the #FlutterFavorite hashtag in social media.
  • When using the Flutter Favorite logo,the author must link to (this) Flutter Favorite landing page,to provide context for the designation.
  • If a Flutter Favorite package loses its Flutter Favorite status,the author will be notified,at which point the author must immediately remove all usesof “Flutter Favorite” and the Flutter Favorite logo fromthe affected package.
  • Don’t alter, distort, or modify the Flutter Favorite logo in any way,including displaying the logo with color variations or unapprovedvisual elements.
  • Don’t display the Flutter Favorite logo in a manner that is misleading,unfair, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging,obscene, or otherwise objectionable to Google.

What’s next

You should expect the list of Flutter Favorite packagesto grow and change as the ecosystem continues to thrive.The committee will continue working with package authorsto increase quality, as well as consider other areas of theecosystem that could benefit from the Flutter Favorite program,such as tools, consulting firms, and prolific Flutter contributors.

As the Flutter ecosystem grows,we’ll be looking at expanding the set of metrics,which might include the following: How to convert mp4 to wmv on mac for free.

  • Use of the new pubspec.yaml format that clearlyindicates which platforms are supported.
  • Support for the latest stable version of Flutter.
  • Support for AndroidX.
  • Support for multiple platforms, such as web, macOS,Windows, Linux, etc.
  • Integration as well as unit test coverage.

Flutter Favorites

You can see the complete list ofFlutter Favorite packages on pub.dev.

Install Flutter Visual Studio Code


While your code might follow any preferred style—in ourexperience—teams of developers might find it more productive to:

  • Have a single, shared style, and
  • Enforce this style through automatic formatting.

The alternative is often tiring formatting debates during code reviews,where time might be better spent on code behavior rather than code style.

Automatically formatting code in Android Studio and IntelliJ

Install the Dart plugin (see Editor setup)to get automatic formatting of code in Android Studio and IntelliJ.To automatically format your code in the current source code window,use Cmd+Alt+L (on Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+L (on Windows and Linux).Android Studio and IntelliJ also provides a check box named Format code on save onthe Flutter page in Preferences (on Mac) or Settings (on Windows and Linux)which will format the current file automatically when you save it.


Automatically formatting code in VS Code

Install the Flutter extension (see Editor setup)to get automatic formatting of code in VS Code.

Flutter Macos Visual Studio Code

To automatically format the code in the current source code window,right-click in the code window and select Format Document.You can add a keyboard shortcut to this VS Code Preferences.

Flutter Visual Studio Code

To automatically format code whenever you save a file, set theeditor.formatOnSave setting to true.

Automatically formatting code with the ‘flutter’ command

You can also automatically format code in the command line interface(CLI) using the flutter format command:

Flutter Visual Studio Code Extensions

Using trailing commas

Flutter code often involves building fairly deep tree-shaped data structures,for example in a build method. To get good automatic formatting,we recommend you adopt the optional trailing commas.The guideline for adding a trailing comma is simple: Alwaysadd a trailing comma at the end of a parameter list infunctions, methods, and constructors where you care aboutkeeping the formatting you crafted.This helps the automatic formatter to insert an appropriateamount of line breaks for Flutter-style code.

Flutter Visual Studio Code Vs Android Studio

Here is an example of automatically formatted code with trailing commas:

Flutter With Vs Code

Flutter Visual Studio Code

And the same code automatically formatted code without trailing commas: