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OpenFOAM Ubuntu repository To use the OpenFOAM early-release Ubuntu repository, you will need to add the signing key and the repository location (s) to your system. This typically only needs to be done once per distribution. The most convenient way is to use the installer script with one of these commands. In this video we explain, - what is openFoam. Basic linux commands - How to.

The information below is out of date as of June 2010 since deb packs of OpenFOAM are being produced by OpenCFD (the producers of OpenFOAM) for Ubuntu Linux. To install OpenFOAM on ubuntu, go to


This is aimed to all Engineers, Scientist, Students interested in learning/applying/experimenting Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD), CFD uses numerical approximation to the partial differential equations that govern flow of fluids in nature (i.e. Navier-Stokes equation, etc) the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation once it comply with the requirements of the Continuity equation gives the behavior of the fluids subject to the given boundary and initial conditions. This has a tremendous importance since practically any fluid can be simulated/modelled in a computer before doing any 'real life' experiment. For example you can test the design of a new aircraft using computational techniques before even build a small scale prototype for wind tunnel testing. Thus a wide range of experimental conditions can be fully tested and corrected on the fly... Since the basic equations (full) that govern fluid flow are in form of PDEs, the numerical methods to approximate the solution are complex, a very simple problem can be solved in a couple of minutes however if the problem is much more complicated the solver can take days in find a solution... in general CFD is not intended for common PCs but for high end computers designed to tackle this kind of problems. Of course this cannot stop you, you can install this software in your computer and 'play' with simple geometries and doing a lot of assumptions to solve a given problem more easily. There are several CFD brands out there like Fluent, COMSOL, CFD-RC, CFD-ADAPCO, (which are quite expensive though) ... however there are also free alternatives like ELMER Multiphysics, OpenFOAM and many others. Inherently CFD software is a bit complicated to use, it requires a deep understanding of the physical phenomena involved in given problem, and a good mathematical background.

Installer Script

An automatic script to install OpenFOAM-1.6.x from the official git repository is disponible at:

  • []

This script is done by Fábio C. Canesin and Bruno Santos from cfd-online forum.

Openfoam wiki

The script is reported to work with sucess in:

  • Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS
  • Intrepid Ibex 8.10
  • Jaunty Jackalope 9.04
  • Karmic Koala 9.10
  • Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS - Beta1

PS: For both i386 and x86-64 versions of both OpenFOAM as Ubuntu.

Manual Install

AMD64 Systems

If you are installing this on an AMD64 system, it is necessary to set the parameter $WM_64 to 'on'. To achieve this, do the following in a terminal:

Then, I added directly above the Java section, the following:

After doing so you must source your bashrc to make sure the changes take effect.

N.B. it is . space ~/...

System requirements

(based on the specs of the PC tested for the installation)

  • AMD Athlon XP LV 1500+ (or equivalent or higher or better or Intel or PowerPC)
  • 640 MB (The web page states nothing, but everybody knows the more, the better)
  • 1 GB hard drive available, this is a must, uncompressed files takes 750 MB, plus the cases, tutorials, grids, etc
  • Broadband conection (the compressed files are from 50 to 100 MB average) of course you can use dial up and wait 48 hours to download it, it's up to you...
  • Ubuntu LINUX 5.10 Breeze Badger Kernel version 2.6.12-9-386, if you download the AMD64 version then use the 64bit LINUX kernel
  • Not tested on kernel versions above or below (you should try to do this if this is not yor kernel version)
  • Not sure if this would work on other LINUX distributions

Step by step instructions

1 * Check system requirements (listed above)

2 * Enter to OpenFOAM web page




3 * Click on download 4 * Select your version 5 * Dowload all the packges to your Desktop (very advance LINUX users can avoid obvious steps)

where ~/ is the home folder for example /home/<username>

N.B from this point it is necesary to remenber that LINUX is CASE SENSITIVE, a mistake can delay you some hours...

second I did install everything in my home folder which is ~/ it is the recommended option from the web site

6 * create a folder caller OpenFOAM in ~/ using mkdir


  • OpenFOAM-1.3.General.gtgz
  • OpenFOAM-1.3.linuxGcc4DPOpt.gtgz
  • OpenFOAM-1.3.linuxGcc4SPOpt.gtgz

which are on ~/Desktop to the folder you've just created ~/OpenFOAM

7 * create the following folder using mkdir (remember LINUX is case sensitive)

8 * copy

  • gcc-4.1.0.linux.tgz
  • paraview-2.4.2.linux.tgz
  • j2sdk1.4.2_05.linux.tgz
  • which are in ~/Desktop to ~/OpenFOAM/linux

9 * untar avery single file in the following order

  • OpenFOAM-1.3.General.gtgz
  • OpenFOAM-1.3.linuxGcc4DPOpt.gtgz
  • OpenFOAM-1.3.linuxGcc4SPOpt.gtgz
  • gcc-4.1.0.linux.tgz
  • paraview-2.4.2.linux.tgz
  • j2sdk1.4.2_05.linux.tgz


This takes a bit of time

10 * after finishing you will see new directories created in ~/OpenFOAM

11 * now look for foamSystemCheck which is located at

this is a shell script that we have to execute, however we need to change it to an executable format


press enter, then type

press enter, then type

press enter

Openfoam cylindrical coordinates

At this time, the shell script will call some functions to check if your system comply with the minimum requirements for the installation, Host, username, Linux version, and Network conectivity, however at the end of the process some error occur, just ignore any warning or fatal error about ssh or rsh, this is not needed for the stand alone installation (It doesn't matter what it tells you, just ignore it!!!)


press enter

12 * * * * * * Now you have to set the environment variables for a correct file access, the environment variable settings are stored in

since I am using the default options in UBUNTU, my shell is BASH and my text editor is gedit, you can use VIM as well


(if you are not sure which shell you are using and edit the following files according to your shell syntax)

now type

once in gedit type

N.B. it is 'dot', space~/....... select file>save and then file>quit

now update the environment typing

N.B. it is 'dot', space ~/.......

the environment variables are updated, you can see this if you type

Testing the installation

13 **** look for foamInstallationTest which it is located at

in the same way, this file is a shell script


press enter

now you don't need to export the path, since you have already done it...

now type

press enter

here the shell scrip verifies every directory and assigns to each of them an environment variable (PATH), also this takes a bit of time. However you will see an error at the end of the process, something like this:

test_rsh unsuccessful_conection_refused* test_ssh unsuccessful_conection_refused*

FATAL: No remote shell available (etc....)

For the stand alone version, this message is normal and you can safely ignore it, just after this OpenFOAM is ready to run

Getting started with OpenFOAM

Library documentation is included in

you will find there some PDFs with tutorials and very useful examples, after a short reading you can start modelling right away.


When installing this on a Dapper 64-bit system, I ran into the problem that the default JAVA_HOME, and therefore JAVA_PATH were directed to the following:

where there should be an OpenFOAM-1.3 directory after the OpenFOAM directory. To fix this, I opened a terminal and did the following:

Then, browse to the Java section, under the # Linux Workstation subsection, edit the export JAVA_HOME line to look like the following:

Then save and close, and source your bashrc

N.B. it is . space ~/....

Openfoam Download


  • Thank you to the OpenFOAM CFD developement team for making it available under the GLP.
  • Thank you to Ubuntu Team for the great effort in this Operating System
  • Thank you for reading this wiki
  • This wiki is based in my previous Ubuntu Forum Thread ScientificUbuntu Installing OpenFOAM CFD Software

* * * * * derjames * * * * *


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810 pages have been created
  • Latest OpenFOAM version: 8 (22th of July 2020)
  • Latest Foam-Extend version: 4.1 (14th of October 2019)
  • Latest OpenFOAM+ version: v2006 (30th June 2020)
  • OpenFOAM Release Notes: 8 | 7 | 6 | 5.0 | 4.1 | 4.0 | 3.0.1 | 3.0.0 | 2.4.0 | 2.3.1 | 2.3.0 | 2.2.2 | 2.2.1 | 2.2.0 | 2.1.1 | 2.1.0 | 2.0.1 | 2.0.0 | 1.7.1 | 1.7.0 | 1.6 | 1.5 | 1.4.1 | 1.4 | 1.3 | 1.2 | 1.1 | 1.0
  • Foam-extend Release Notes: 4.1 | 4.0 | 3.2 | 3.1 | 3.0
  • OpenFOAM+ Release Notes: v2006 | v1912 | v1906 | v1812 | v1806 | v1712 | v1706 | v1612+ | v1606+ | v3.0+

This Wiki collects information about the OpenSource CFD toolbox OpenFOAM and provides a platform for collaborations

Future events in the OpenFOAM-World (drag timeline - for a complete timeline go to AllEventsTimeline):

  • User Guide | Additional notes
  • Programmer's Guide | Community extensions
1.1 Other

Papers | FoamCFD theses | Solvers | Utilities | Tutorials | Examples | Handy links | Courses

If you want to add an event go to this form

There is a number of different flavours of OpenFOAM that are all based on the original FOAM-code. They are listed here in the order they were added to this page.

3.1 OpenFOAM (Foundation)

OpenFOAM by the OpenFOAM foundation

3.2 OpenFOAM+

OpenFOAM+ by the ESI-OpenCFD

3.3 Foam-extend

Foam-extend has a number of additional community-contributed features. A collection of fork-specific documentation is here on the Wiki

3.4 Other
4.1 Training
  • Foundation and Advanced courses provided by OpenCFD and SGI.
  • Essential and Applied courses provided by CFD Direct.
  • Introductory and Advanced courses provided by Wikki and Gompute.
  • User and Programming courses provided by Icon.
  • Beginner, Advanced, Special Trainings on Turbomachinery, Thermosimulation, Programming and Optimization provided by FOAMacademy (move-csc and silentdynamics).
  • OpenFOAM Quickstart Training (once a month and free of charge) by FOAMacademy
  • University courses for Industry at Chalmers Professional Education.
  • Beginner, Advanced online training [1] provided by CadCae.
  • Summary of Training Material for and around OpenFOAM (including list of meshing tools, Paraview hints, etc., see category '3_EulerianModels') provided by the NanoSim consortium.
  • Screencasts and training material provided by TU Graz.
  • OpenFOAM course for beginners by Jibran Haider.
4.2 Tutorials
  • Video tutorials on YouTube by József Nagy
  • YouTube video tutorials by Divyesh Variya(DD Fluids)
  • Wiki | Moving frame example | more
  • Other | OS-CFD course
  • OpenFOAM A Little User Manual by Gerhard Holzinger (links to OSCCAR-doc, an effort driven by PFM in Linz, Austria)
  • OpenFOAM Basic Training by Institute of Chemical Engineering, TU Wien
  • In case you want to record tutorials (i.e., screencasts), you can use the recordmydesktop software.
  • [2] Unofficial tutorial for OpenFOAM programming basics with applications.
  • OpenFOAM tutorials by spoken-Tutorial | Old series & New series.
4.3 Unofficial User Guides
  • Interface Guide Reference guide for all terms in the OpenFOAM text files.
  • Main OFSolvers Overview and description of each solver.

Add your page here

  • Wikipedia article | more
  • Download | Download foam-extend | On Windows
  • FAQ (long version) | Known bugs
5.1 Tips and Tricks
5.2 Other Tools
  • Pre | Salome | Netgen
  • Post | Paraview | OpenDX
  • GUIs | GPGPU | more
5.3 Tools on this Wiki
6.1 General
  • Coding style and conventions
6.2 OpenFoam-extend
  • The Sourceforge OpenFOAM-extend project provides
    • Sources for foam-extend a community driven distribution with additional features
6.3 Howto...
6.4 Forge

This page was selected randomly from 17 selected articles:

7.1Sig Turbomachinery

Special interest group for turbomachineryView other articles

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  • Users: Persons and Institutions that use OpenFOAM
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9.2 Active sites

OFWikiJa (Japanese) | Notes on CFD (Portuguese) | Holzmann-cfd (English/German) | CFD-FOSSEE (English)

9.3 Commercial Companies

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  • The contents on this site is published under GNU FDL
  • 'OpenFOAM' is a registered trademark of OpenCFD
  • This site is not affiliated with OpenCFD Ltd

Tweets from Organizations and Companies that have to do with OpenFOAM If you think you should be on that list: send a DM to @ofwiki. One of the criteria for acceptance is that your tweets are mostly on-topic

12.11st preCICE Workshop

Date: 2020/02/17 Location: Technical University of Munich, Germany

Join the 1st international preCICE Workshop at the Technical University of Munich, Germany on February 17-18, 2020 to learn how to couple OpenFOAM with other solvers and frameworks (including CalculiX, FEniCS, deal.II, and more) and discuss about partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction, Conjugate Heat Transfer, and more coupled problems with the international preCICE community.

Start of Event 2020/02/17
End of Event 2020/02/18
Location Technical University of Munich, Germany

12.2Events/15th International OpenFOAM Workshop

Date: 2020/06/22 Location: George Mason University, Virginia, USA

The Workshop Committee would like to invite you to the 15th International OpenFOAM® Workshopto be held at Arlington, Virginia, USA from June 22 - 25, 2020

Start of Event 2020/06/22
End of Event 2020/06/25
Location George Mason University, Virginia, USA

Openfoam User Guide

12.3PFAU 19 Austrian User Meeting

26 November, 2019 in Leoben, Austria

Free Cfd Software

The OpenFOAM User Meeting v. 19 in Leoben is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26, 2019 (9.30 a.m. - 15.00 p.m.)

It will take place at this address:

See full article for a map with directions

12.4News/PFAU18 graz: July 3rd 2019 (Austrian User Meeting)

PFAU18 graz: July 3rd 2019 (Austrian User Meeting)

The OpenFOAM Austrian User Meeting 'PFAU18_graz' is scheduled for Wednesday, July 3, 2019 (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.)

Date: 2019/07/03Location: Institute of Process and Particle EngineeringGraz University of TechnologyInffeldgasse 13/HS i8

Abstract submission and registration is now closed. For the program, please follow this link:
12.5News/FEATool Multiphysics 1.8 with OpenFOAM MATLAB CFD GUI

The FEATool Multiphysics MATLAB and Octave FEM Simulation Toolbox version 1.8 is now available. In addition to being a fully integrated FEA multiphysics toolbox, and interfacing with the FEniCS FEM solver and external mesh generators such as DistMesh, GiD, Gmsh, and Triangle, the highlight of the new version is introducing a fully integrated and cross-platform OpenFOAM CFD GUI interface for MATLAB and GNU Octave.

The new OpenFOAM MATLAB CFD Toolbox interface allows one to conveniently setup both laminar and fully turbulent incompressible Navier-Stokes CFD problems all within an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI). Featuring built-in CAD tools and (STL) CAD file import, automatic mesh generation (with automatic 2D to 3D mesh conversion and extrusion for 2D problems), FEATool to OpenFOAM case file conversion, solver selection and control, as well as solution import with postprocessing and visualization. As with all the FEATool MATLAB GUI functionality, models can also be saved and exported as m-file CLI functions where custom scripting and support for all MATLAB and Octave functions and toolboxes is supported. With the added support for the popular OpenFOAM CFD solver and FEniCS, high-performance multiphysics, multi-simulation, and CFD modeling can now be all be conveniently done within a single software interface.

Please visit the FEATool Multiphysics MATLAB FEM Toolbox website for more information.

Date: 2018/05/17Location: Hong Kong

FEATool Multiphysics is developed by Precise Simulation Ltd. which was established in 2013 and is dedicated to providing accurate, efficient, and easy to use software solutions to a wide range of mathematical modeling, multiphysics, and computer simulation needs. In close collaboration with academic high-performance computing (HPC) partners with significant knowledge and over a decade of experience in many physics based Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) fields such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM), chemical engineering, and heat transfer simulations Precise Simulation is able to offer a wide range of customized solutions.

The goal of the FEATool Multiphysics software suite is to be able to make physics based computer simulation easier and more enjoyable to learn for students in engineering, physics, and mathematics, and also simpler and more convenient to work with for both academic teachers, researchers, and corporate engineers.View older news


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Openfoam Tutorial

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